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Department of Biomedical Engineering, Toyo University (from April, 2023).Current topic of research
Microfluidic materials and devices based on materials chemistry and microfluidics, and their applications to biosensors and biodevices.Past topics of research
- Spatiotemporal dynamics of juxtacrine signaling of T cells using (1) live-cell fluorescence microscopy and (2) nanofabricated materials.
- Supramolecular machines for remote transmission of molecular motion.
- Nanofillers for toughening thermoplastics.
- Thermoplastics made from cellulose derivatives and cashew extract.
Education and experience
- 2023-: Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Toyo University
- 2022-2023: Assitant Professor, Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Science
- 2019-2022, Assitant Professor, Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
- 2015-2019: Research Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering, Tohoku University.
- 2010-2015: Graduate Student Researcher, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley. PhD in Chemistry.
- 2008-2010: Researcher, Nanoelectronics Laboratory, NEC Corporation.
- 2006-2008: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo (Master of Engineering)
- 2002-2006: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo (Bachelor of Engineering)